
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Predator Prey Relationship Examples

The world is a dangerous place for most animals.
Many need to defend themselves against other animals that want to eat them.

Definition of prey

An animal that is hunted, killed, and eaten by another is called prey. 

Definition of predator

Animals that hunt prey are called predators.

Predator prey relationship examples

Some animals are able to disguise, or camouflage, themselves as a protection against predators.
But there are many other ways in which an animal can defend itself.
One species of lizard, the leaf-tailed gecko of Australia, has a tail that looks like its head!
You can imagine how confusing this must be for the lizard’s enemies. If a predator grabs this gecko by the tail, the tail breaks off, and the gecko can escape. Later, a new tail will grow.
Birds that nest on the ground are usually camouflaged.
Goatsuckers (also known as nightjars) and whippoorwills look like a pile of dead leaves. Ringed plovers look like the pebbles on the beaches where they nest.
A certain group of lizards, called chameleons, can change the shading of their skin color to match their surroundings and confuse their enemies. 
For example, green chameleons can change from light green to dark green.
Green chameleon
Camouflage can help some predators to get near their prey without being seen. The tiger’s stripes help it to blend in with the tall grasses of its hunting ground.
Polar bears have white fur to match the snow.

Some animals, including opossums and snakes, pretend to be dead when they are in danger. 

Most predators prefer live prey, so they leave the “dead” animal alone.

Other snakes defend themselves with poisonous bites.

Armadillos and pangolins are two species of animals that roll up into a ball when in danger. 

This protects the soft undersides of their bodies. Both animals have a thick coat of armor made of bony plates on the outside of their bodies.
When predators come close, porcupines and hedgehogs might also defend themselves by rolling up into a ball. Such a ball of needle-sharp quills scares away many predators.
Porcupines have a painful and effective way of dealing with predators. They have spines called quills, that drop out easily.
When a porcupine is threatened, it may run backward toward its enemy. Quills get stuck in the predator’s nose and face or other part of the body, giving the porcupine a chance to run away.

The skin of animals that are poisonous to eat is often brightly colored. 

The bright colors of the arrow-poison frogs of South America warn predators to keep away! 
Some salamanders ooze poisons from their skin when they are in danger.
When the prickly puffer fish is frightened, it can blow itself up to twice its normal size.
Most predators dont want to eat a prickly balloon. Its flesh is usually poisonous, too!
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The Doctrine of Grace


Sri Swami Sivananda

You can notice Lord’s grace in every inch of His Creation. In a hot summer you enjoy the delicious sweet juice of grapes, cucumber, oranges and pomegranates and cool Ganga water of Rishikesh and Haridwar. This is Lord’s grace. When you suffer from any serious ailment, you get immediate relief and cure from herbs. This is Lord’s grace. When you walk in a dark night, the stars twinkle and throw light on your path. This is Lord’s grace. When you are unable to bear extreme pain you become unconscious. This is Lord’s grace. When the weather is sultry, a gentle breeze blows and refreshes you. This is Lord’s grace.
Lord’s grace will descend in proportion to the degree of surrender. The more the surrender, the more the grace.
Kathopanishad says in a thundering voice: "Not by study or discourses, not by argument, not by intelligence is the Self attained. He whom the Lord chooses attains Self-realisation. He reveals Himself to such a chosen person."
The subtle forms of lust, anger, egoism, pride, etc., can only be totally destroyed through the grace of the Lord. However hard you may strive and do Sadhana, these subtle forms cannot be eradicated through your Sadhana alone. The Lord’s grace completely purifies your heart.
It is the Lord only who stirs the aspirants to do Purushartha or right exertion.
You should not sit idle and say "Lord’s grace will do everything for me. Why should I do any Sadhana?" This is wrong philosophy. God helps those who help themselves. God’s grace will descend on those persons only who exert. You cannot expect the Lord to do self-surrender for you. Be up and doing. Strive. Plod. Persevere. The Lord will shower His grace upon you.
Mira abandoned everything. She renounced kingdom, husband, relatives, friends and property. She remembered her Lord Krishna, whole day and night. She shed tears of Prem. She sang His praise with single-minded devotion. She gave up food. Her body got emaciated. Her mind was ever absorbed in Lord Krishna. Only then, did Lord Krishna shower His grace upon her.
The Lord has five duties. He is Karta (actor), Akarta (non-actor), Anyatha Karta. He veils the Jiva (Tirodhana, Tirobhava). He removes the veil through His grace (Anugraha).
People will become idle and say "The Lord will do everything for me. Why should I do any Sadhana? I depend upon His grace alone." In order to remove the inertia, Sri Vasishtha and others have preached the "Purushartha Vada." In reality it is all Lord’s grace only. Even a leaf or an atom will not move without the sanction of the Lord.
May you all obtain Lord’s grace through faith and devotion! May Lord shower His grace upon you all.
Glory to the Lord and His grace (Kripa, Anugraha, Prasad).

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.

  Every moment, thank God
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Though never expressed on the blog before,I am a Bob Dylan fan.Ill start doing posts about his songs a year later and I will surely express the reason of the delay then.On 24th May,1941,he was born as Robert Allen Zimmerman in Duluth,Minnesota.Strong man,I must say.His work and leftist activism still leaves me at awe.I love his work,I admire his work all over.I am posting ten of his best song lines and ten quotations.

Happy Birthday Bob Dylan

Happy Birthday Bob Dylan


  • God, Im glad Im not me.
  • Chaos is a friend of mine.
  • I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.
  • We may not be able to defeat these swine, but we dont have to join them.
  • I didn’t really have any ambition at all. I was born very far from where I’m supposed to be, and so, I’m on my way home, you know?
  • You cant be wise and in love at the same time.
  • Its peculiar and unnerving in a way to see so many young people walking around with cellphones and iPods in their ears and so wrapped up in media and video games. It robs them of their self-identity. 
  • I dont call myself a poet, because I dont like the word.
  • A poem is a naked person . . . some people say that I am a poet.
  • People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are still being passed around — the music and the ideas.


Girl from the North Country

"So if youre travelin in the north country fair,

Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline,

Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine."

                                                           THE MASTERS OF WAR

"All the money you made will never buy back your soul."

"You aint worth the blood that runs in your veins."

"There is one thing I know though Im younger than you
  Even Jesus would not forgive what you do"

"And I hope that you die
And your deathll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And Ill watch while youre lowered
Down to your deathbed
And Ill stand oer your grave
Til Im sure that youre dead"

A Hard Rains a-Gonna Fall

"I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it."
"I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken."
"I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world."

The Times They Are A-Changin 

"Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown."

Planet Waves

"May you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung. May your song always be sung, May you stay forever young."
Happy Birthday,Dylan,a hope in these dying days,a ray of light in this selfish world.May you always stay within.

Data Credits : Wikipedia

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Biological Organization:

Biological association, or the chain of life, is the pecking order of complex biological structures and frameworks that characterize life by means of a reductionist method. The traditional order, as point by point underneath, stretches out from atoms or molecules (or lower) to biospheres.

Atomic or Subatomic Level:

Each and every living and nonliving matter is structured by simple unitscalled atoms and sub atomic particles such as electrons, protons & neutrons. 

Molecular level:

Life forms i.e. organisms; generally dont occur in isolated structures. The atoms consolidate with one another by means of ionic or covalent bonding to deliver compounds. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulfur are the most general atoms found in biological or organic molecules. The distinctive sorts of bonding license organic atoms to be structured in incredible variety and intricacy. These may be micro particles with low atomic weight like CO2, H2O and so forth or macromolecules with high sub-atomic weights e.g. starch, proteins and so forth.
Biological world has two sorts of particles: Organic and inorganic.

Organic molecules are those molecules which contain both carbon and hydrogen while inorganic molecules exclude carbon and hydrogen together in a particle. An organism is generally structured by huge number of micro and macro particles of many distinctive sorts. Some most paramount and bounteous natural atoms in living beings are glucose, amino acids, unsaturated fats, glycerol, nucleotides, etc.

Organelles and Cells:

Diverse and colossal number of macromolecules orchestrates themselves in a specific manner to structure cells and their organelles. In case of microorganisms, and most protists, the whole life form comprises of a solitary cell. In most parasites, plants and creatures, the organism may comprise of up to trillions of cells. Various sub-cell structures like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi-body, ribosomes and so on have been observed and studied on for their structure and functionality. It has ended up clear that functionality of these cells is accomplished by these particular structures practically comparable to the organs of the body. These structures are called organelles. The division of work inside the cell is carried out by these organelles. The prokaryotes have just a set number and kind of organelles in their cytoplasm. Eukaryotes are rich in number and sorts of membranous organelles. A cell membrane is, however, present in all cells whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Tissue level:

In multicellular organisms, clusters of similar cells are composed into loose sheets or groups performing comparable functions; these groups are called tissues. Each one tissue has a specific function in the life of the living being e.g. glandular tissue, muscle tissue, xylem tissue, phloem tissue, etc. They are specific for secretion, contraction, conducting water and for translocation of proteins, sugars respectively.

Organ and System:

Different tissues having related functionalities gather together in a structure to perform its function with incredible effectiveness. Such structures are called organs and they are particular to perform specific functions. For instance, stomach which is an organ has a function of food processing (digestion), has a secretory epithelium which secretes the gastric juice and a muscular tissue (smooth) for contracting the walls of the stomach and blending the food with the enzymes altogether and moving the sustenance to the posterior end. The development of organs additionally has a specific quality in light of the fact that this prompts an effective achievement of their functions both qualitatively and quantitatively. In animals, organ development is much more complex and characterized. The organ level of organization is considerably less definite in plants than it is in animals. At the most we might recognize roots, stems; leaves and regenerative structures. Obvious functions, the recognizing functions, can be appointed to each of these structures. Roots anchor the plant into soil firmly, stockpiling of sustenance and acquiring water and minerals. The shoot upholds the whole plant while the leaves are essential organs for food making. Flowers or other reproductive structures are engaged in delivering the cutting edge (reproduction). 


Different organs in plants and animals are assembled together to structure a distinctive individual which has characters not quite the same from other members of the same specie.

A populace is a grouping of living organisms of the same species living in the same area in the same time. Samples are the figure of rats in a field of rice, the number of pupils in your science class, or human populace in a city.

Populace is a more elevated level of natural association than organisms in light of the fact that here a group of living beings of the same species is included. This level of association has its own features which came into being by living of a group of organisms of the same species. Some of these characteristics are gene frequency, gene flow, age, populace density, etc. 


Populaces of different species (plants and animals) living in the same territory shape a group or community. Communities are dynamic accumulations of living beings; in which one populace may increment and others may shrink because of variance in abioticelements. A few communities are complex while different communities may be simple and straightforward. In a straightforward community any change can have extreme and ongoing impacts. The record makes it clear that an organism can be observed and studied at different levels of association. It can be learned at subatomic, nuclear, atomic, macromolecular, organelle, cell, tissue, organ level. We can likewise take a look at community as a single person, as a piece of a group that incorporates different populaces and a piece of community of an ecosystem which incorporates abiotic variables. The organisms can communicate by predation, parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism.

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